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Chapter - 6

Chapter 6:...Date!

I had everything ready the girls had helped me choose my dress from when we went shopping it was a red ress with a bow at the top and it comes up to mid thigh and i mached it up with a heart necklace and red high heels and i applied a little bit of makeup not to overdone but not so you can see it so i was waiting with the girls trying to guess were Kyle would take me and we had absoultley no clue were he was taking me and we didnt know when hewas coming but half way when we were in a conversation there was a knock at the door and i squealed and ran to the door well as much as you can run in heels and thats not that much but hey i try.

As i wa at the door and opened it there was an old man dressed in an suit and he handed me a note and i quickly scanne across it and it was from Kyle and it said:


I sent my driver to get you as i have a few more things to sort out but my driver will drive you to the destenation we will have our date and i love you <3

Tashas Pov...

I looked at the driver and he smiled at me and took the letter of off me and then he made a motioning with his hands to follow him so i did and we went up to a fancy purple limo and i gasped suprised that he would remember what my favrioute colour was.

I got into the back of the Limo as the driver polietly opened my door for me so i said my thankyou and all in the back of the limo were champane and a lot of red roses scattered everywere and on one of the seats was another note so i picked it up:

Tasha x

I hope you like it and i got the limo sprayed to purple as it is your favrioute colour and you will arrive at the destenation shortly and all you have to do is follow the roses and you will find were i am...


Kyle x

I smiled and set the note down and i was shocked as he would get his limo sprayed just for me its so kind and romantic but were was he taking me thats what i really wanted to know.

After about 30minutes and me still deciding where Kyle was taking me i gave up when my door opened and the driver helped me out.

"Thankyou" I said to the driver whose name i didnt know so i decided to call him drivey and he smiled and gave me a nod and got back into the limo and drove of so i looked around and i was in some kind of meadow with lillys everywhere and when i looked over there was a path of roses spiraling around so i walked up to the path and started walking and the further i got in the more there were of flowers but there were all diffrent ranges and when i looked ahead there Kyle was standing with a single rose in his hand and i was tempted to run to him but there was a big possibility that i would fall flat on my face and do i want not nu huh.

When i reached Kyle at the end of the path he pulled me in for a hug and i glady hugged him back and i felt like i was going to cry at how beautifull everything was and how thoughtfull.

"I love this its perfect" Kyle laughed and then he entwined our fingers and led me a little thurther and when he moved some trees away it was the perfect scene he had put a picnik basket down and it was right beside a gushinf waterfall and i didnt think it could ge anymore perfect but he had to go and suprise me again.

Kyle gave my hand a little tug and i noticed i had been daydreaming again and he led me over to the blanket and we both sat down and he produced bubble and squeak and purple fruit jucies and i laughed.

"Why would you do all of this its perfect but why"

"I love you thats why now lets eat" I leaned over to Kyle and pecked him on the lips and he eargerley responded but tryed to deepen it but i didnt let him and pulled back and started to eat my food with a smirk plastered on my face and Kyle started eating his food with a pout on his face.

After we had eaten and talked about a few things and the he produced a choclate ice cream from the basket and 2 spoons and he passed one to me and started eating.

"Tasha i wanted to ask you something i know we havent kown eachother for long but i want to be close to you so will you move in with me" After Kyle had said that i was speechless and i was thinking about it as my parents are not normally there but all the other guys live there what would they think and my parents i know there always away but there still there for me.

"Kyle i dont know what about the guys and my parents im only 17 what if we dont work i know were mates and all but what if im not saying no its just that i have to think about it and i have to talk to my parents they dont even know you and if i did say yes it would be a while till i could move in with you and i do want to move in with you but wait please a couple of weeks and anyway im always around yours anway it will probally just not be over night ok" I looked at Kyle pleadingly and he nodded but i saw hurt in his eyes so i leaned over and kissed him.

"Give me a couple of days to talk to my parents and stuff i love you and its a yes but wait a week or 2 at the most ok i would love to move in with you" Kyle smiled he leanded over and kissed me on the forehead.

"Ok ill wait for you ok lets change the subject so what do you think of this did i do well"

"You did perfect and whats the time i have to be back i do have curfew at 11:00 and i know you dont but my parents arent laid back" Kyle pulled out his phone and it read 10:30 wow i didnt know time whent so fast.

"We bettter get going or ill be late for my curfew" Kyle had already packed the stuff u and we started to walk back to the car but Kyle didnt hold my hand like he normally did we just walked side by side and then we reached Kyle car and when we were driving to mine it was in complete silence.

When we got back to mine Kyle parked the car outside my houe and i looked over at him and he was looking out of the window.

"Kyle im sorry if i ruined everything but you have to get me and im sorry again but i cant change it bye" I got out of the car without looking back and went into my houe were all the girls had gone and my parents were on the sofa so i sat in the armchair.

"Mum dad i want to ask you something,well ive been dating this guy and he is really nice and he asked me to move in with him and i want to but i said to him i would ask you guy" I looked at my parents and they looked shocked and then my dad spoke.

"Well then i know this time would come soon and we allow you to move in with him as you are getting older and we cant stop you but we would like to meet him sometime after you have got setteled in now go tell him the good news" I cant belive they are letting me move in with Kyle but will he talk to me so i ran up to my mum and dad and then ran up to my bedroom and got my phone out and dialed Kyles number and he picked u after the 5th ring.

Me:"are you mad"

Kyle: "No i just though you said no to moving in with me"

Me: "Come over to my place climb u the window to my bedroom bye love you" I put the phone down and waited for Kyle to come and in the next 5minutes there was a knock on my window so i looked and opened the window and Kyle jumed in and i hugged him.

"I can move in with you" I looked u at Kyle and he kissed me and i relecutanly kissed him back.

"Good beacuse i was starting to think you wouldnt want to"

"I do and stay tonight please i want you toi miss you when your gone" I looked u to him with a pouty look and he shook his head yes and i smiled and went over to my drawer to get some pjs so i took of my jeans and t-shirt in front of Kle and just put on an oversized t-shirt that wen up to mid thigh and when i turned around to kyle he stood with his eyes wide and jaw dropped.

"close your mouth dont let the flies in" Kyle quickly sobered up and i climbed into my bed and Kyle took his jeans and t-shirt off and climbed in with me and pulled me to him and then i let my thoughts travel to school and i rembered i only had 3 weeks left and then only a month and i graduate.

"Are you thinking again" I turned around to face Kyle with his hands still around me and laughed and nodded.

"Care to elabrate for me"

"School i only have 3 weeks left then i go back then a month till i graduate thats all then i can be with you forever .

"Good as i dont do school anymore and ill miss you i quiet after the first day and told them im doing home school"

"Thats why but now you wont be able to see me your fault i say but it does save me telling the girls to back off so good job" Kyle laughed and pecked me on the lips.

"It does doesnt it but you know i wouldnt do anything to hurt you your the only girl ill ever love" I smiled and then my phone rang signalling that i have a text message so i checked the id and it said Courtney so i checked it.

Courtney: hey i just wanted to remind you, you still have to find out if he did and then tell me but i already know so...Yeah xxx

Me: I am i will ask him i know when hes lieying x

Courtney: If you say so.

I showed Kyle the textes and he had a confused face on.

"Kyle did you kill Courtneys parents i trust you she just wants to know and i kinda do to" I said the last part in barely a whisper but i knew he had heard with his wolf hearing and all so i turned back around so i was facing him.

"I told you i hadnt i swear on my life and if a mate lies to a mate they feel sick and they sweat and it starts immediatley and im not and i wouldnt lie i swear to you" I looked at Kyle and he had a look of complete honesty and sincerity in his eyes so i smiled and nodded and rolled back over so i wasnt facing him and slowly drifted into a peacfull dream sleep.

Tashas Dream...

I was walking in a forest it was dark and i was scared there was no one there and i wasnt in my bed with Kyle and then i saw a flicker of light and then there was a person that looked like an older version of me.

"Why am i here and why do you look like me"

"Your here beacuse you need to know who you are and what you are going to have to do and i am you im apart of you, you just have to find me and let me out and then when your ready youll see me again but let me just say your very powerfull youll see me reguarly and ill show you how to unlock your powers but when you do i could bring you here at anytime of the day" I had to take a few minutes to register what she had said or i had but i couldnt belive it i couldnt be powerfull im normal.

"Ok but i need some time to think so when can you help me out to find my powers if i do have them as you say"

"You do i promise im you but an older version well im only 23 but yeah and ill let you go youll be waking up now its 7:00 until tonight and we will start training and you can tell Kyle if you want but belive me the sooner the better and i know you have questions but wait ok goodbye"

End of dream...

I woke up with a start and breathing heavily and had a look at the clock and it indeed said 7:00 so i looked over a Kyle and he was still fast asleep so i got out of bed and i knew that my parents wouldnt be awake yet so i decided i would start packing so i went to my closet and got my 3 suitcases ou and laid them out open on the floor so i went into my bathroom and grabbed all the things in there and took them out and put them all in my smallest suitcase and i went over to my vanity table and got all my jewerlry boxes and makeup and put them in a bag and put them in the same suitcases and went back and got my bodysprays and pictures of me and the girls and i had a few of m and Kyle that i didnt know was took until Emily gave them to me so i picked all of them off and put them in that suitcase and zipped it upand stood it caefully up against the wall and i decided to get dressed before i started packing my clothes so i got dresses in simple black jeans and a v-neck top and put my hair up into a bun and started folding all my clothes and neatly putting them into my suitcases.

I checked the clock and it said 1:00pm and i was suprised as i had been packing for 3hours and Kyle was still asleep and my room looks bear as there is only my vanity and bed and my closet and the rest of the things are in my bags like shoes clothes etc so i decided to wake Kyle up and see why he has been asleep for ages i knew we went bed late but hey if i can wake up at 7 in the morning then he must of not been asleep so i went over to my bed and gave Kyle a hard nudge as i know it takes a lot to wake him up and after a quiet a few nudges he started to slowly open his eyes.

"Hey what tim did you go bed" I asked him while i raised my eyebrows and my hands folded over my chest.

"I was watching you sleep and talking to my wolf at how beautiful you are" Awww thats so sweet and i turned my head so he wouldnt see me blush but i think he did as he grabbed my face and turned me towards him.

"I love it when you blush you dont have to hide" I tried to look away again as my face was getting hotter by the minute and he didnt let me and stood up and kissed my forehead and picked up his clothes and got ready again.

"Well you will have to go out the window as my parents are here but i will see you later i have to do a few things and if my parents see you i think they would reconsider me moving in with you if i had you sneaking threw my window every night" Kyle chuckled but nodded his head.

"And your room looks empty you did that why i was asleep" I nodded and he came over and kissed me and i responded immediatley and then i pulled back and put my hands on his chest when he tried to kiss me again.

"Ah ah ah no go i have things to do and as much as i would love to spend it with you i have no choice but to find out if its true so i have to go but i will tell you what it is in a bit when i will no doubt see you again ok" Kyle nodded and when i took my hands off of his chest he captured his lips with mine and i couldnt stop him even if i actually did want to.

"Go i have things to do today and i actually want to do them so pleasee i will see you later" Kyle nodded and with a final kiss he jumped out of my windown and into the back yard.
